Getting to Know The Betta Fish

If you are just starting in fish care and aquariums, you want to learn minimal details on starter fish. Everyone has their own notion as to which fish are best for beginners, but if you want to feed a fancier fish and relatively easy to maintain, why don’t you take a look closer of Betta Fish for starters.

Betta Fish (ikan bettah) have been around over the years and one of the most popular and unique species of freshwater fish that people love to keep. There are 28 know species of betta fish, and the best known betta species is B. Splendens or The Siamese Fighting Fish. Yeah... this type of fish enjoys fighting. But in contrary, the betta rarely fight to the death although they sill fight in the wild habitat, but most the times the losing one will simply admitted defeat by moving on and go away. However, they will fight to the death if they are placed in a bowl or limited space tank together because their no place for the looser to retreat. They are territorial fish, therefore, will defend their territory like any other animal.

So, how long do betta fish live? Commonly, Betta fish have an average life around 2-3 years and if you maintaining a clean environment for your Betta will help increase their longevity to possible 4-5 years. All the Betta species are small fishes, but they vary considerably in size, ranging from under 2.5 cm (1 inch) total length to five inches in size.

Male Betta fish are generally more colorful with red, blue, turquoise, orange, yellow, white, green and many other colors in various combinations are widely available and they also have much larger fins than females. Females have short fins, and when viewed in aquarium shops or in a stressed condition they appear to lack color. But once in a suitable tank and have settled in their colors will come through also.

Betta fish can be kept alone in bowls (the larger the better) or tanks without filtration as long as frequent partial water changes are done. They do need warm temperatures with a constant heat supply if the room is less than about 750F.

Another thing, Betta fish curious creatures. They enjoy exploring every corner and gap of their tanks. They appreciate live plants and caves to swim around and through. You will notice they will sit on, lean on, or "claim" some of the aquarium object. They are quite peaceful and will get along with most other fish which are not fin nippers or that look like them. Betta will flare out the sides of their faces to warn other fish not to mess with them or if they see an object that they mistake for another Betta.

Well, hopefully that gives you a little introduction into this wonderful fish. For that said, this site will give you more information you need to start to take care and raise a Betta Fish with healthy environment for your newly fish friend. So, stick around a little bit on this site for more info.

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