How Do You Feed Your Betta Fish

As you might know, betta fish are mainly a carnivorous fish. They need a diet that is high in protein and can be raised on several different varieties of food. Betta fish are not big eaters but some expert recommended that you should fed them a small amount 1-2 times a day to once every other day. Making sure not to over feed.

Commonly, betta fish can be fed from frozen, freeze dried, pellets, flakes and live food like black worms, or frozen brine shrimp. There are a variety of other foods available at your local fish store. We'll go through the options that you can choose from.

Freeze dried food
Freeze dried food such as brine shrimp, blood worms, daphnia and plankton are popular choices, not only with Bettas, but also with most Betta keepers. Being that they are freeze dried gives you the comfort of knowing that all bacteria, diseases and parasites have been destroyed and eliminated. They are easy to find, use and store.

Frozen foods
Frozen foods like, brine shrimp, blood worms, beef heart are the most widely used. Bear in mind when using frozen foods. Just because it's frozen does not mean that all the bacteria or diseases have been destroyed. While most harmful germs will have been eliminated by the freezing process, bacteria and disease can still survive and cause harm once ingested by your Betta. The benefits of using frozen foods are the ease in which you can store them. Simply cut off a small portion when feeding time comes, and store the rest back in the freezer for future use.

Betta pellets are also a very common type of food for Bettas. They usually contain a mashed up mixture of, brine shrimp, fish meal, shrimp meal, blood worms and added vitamins and nutrients. They contain everything to maintain a healthy fish. But remember, variety is the key to raising an active, healthy Betta. So always keep that in mind when choosing your Bettas diet.

Flakes would be another food option to consider. Like the pellets, they contain a mixture of ingredients, all aiding in meeting your Bettas needs. There are mixed reviews when it comes to using flakes. Some keepers report that their Bettas won't eat them, while others have reported that they work just fine.

Like most living things, every Betta will have different favorite foods that they love. No matter what foods you decide on, be sure to give your Betta a variety of different kinds. This will keep your fish healthier, active and happier, therefore promote more vibrant colors. You'll have to experiment with some different varieties to see what your Betta will, and will not eat.

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